Advent- A Time to Clean House

By: Contributor Last Updated: December 6, 2012

Clean-HouseWritten by Jane Scupham, Principal

With the passing of Thanksgiving and the beginning of the new liturgical year, we look forward to the coming of Christ, the Word Incarnate, into our hearts and lives. How do we normally prepare for the coming of some important visitor? We bring out the best china, plan lavish meals, and clean, clean, clean the house. We want everything to be perfect. The pillows are fluffed, the rugs straightened, the mirrors shined, and the clutter cleared away. We want to make a good impression on our guest. We want our guest to know that we value them by doing all this in preparation for their visit.

And shouldn’t it be the same for the coming of Jesus as a precious baby into our lives? Shouldn’t we spend time cleaning our spiritual house? Don’t we want God to know that we value Him? We need to take stock of all that has been holding us back from a deeper spiritual life. We need to clear away the clutter of our everyday lives—for example, the unnecessary busyness of endless trips shuttling children to activities, many of which only detract from a truly healthy family life--to place God back at the center of our lives and our family. Decluttering one’s house is a liberating experience and the same is true when we declutter our lives and embrace the essence of happy, healthy hearts filled with the love of God.