Balloon Camera Mark-II

Saturday is a pretty big day for us here at We'll be at Thomas Jefferson Middle School giving out prizes, filming, and showing a video right before the fireworks. For my part, I'm readying my Balloon Camera Rig to launch at 6:15. In addition to taking the pictures, I'm testing out a new system that will post the pictures live to our site!

This is made possible in part due to the technology behind the Eye-Fi card. The Eye-Fi card is an SD card that has a built in WI-Fi tranceiver. This allows it to trasfer pictures from your camera to your computer and the web without wires. I originally bought this card for some home security experemiets and some basic wildlife photography. However when paired with a Baloon Camera, it's abilities really start to shine.

Since the cars is so small, it's range normally caps out at between 30 and 40 feet. However, with some homebrew Wi-Fi antennas I'm hoping to boost my signal a little.

At the very least, we'll be able to get the pictures off of the rig without having to bringing it down the entire way. From there, we'll be uploading the pictures to the interent via a laptop connect card.

The photos will be available at so keepp your eyes peeled for updates on Saturday!