What's your Proudest Moment?
I would say my proudest moment would be having earned the BV Distinguished rating (Very High Peer Review Rating in Legal Ability & Ethical Standards) as a lawyer by my peers for 15 consecutive years, and also just being a father and a grandfather.
What’s your most memorable experience?
There are many, but waiting in Indianapolis with my wife, Linda, and another man and his family while they were extracting the organs for transplantation and trying to determine whether those organs would suitable organs for us. The liver was suitable for me, but the kidneys and pancreas were not suitable for him. I often think of that man, and I do not know his name, and wonder how he is doing now.
What is your definition of a retreat?
Sand and sunshine
Who inspires you?
Winston S. Churchill
What's your greatest indulgence?
Buying yarn
What’s the best gift you have ever received?
A new liver for my husband. Best. Gift. Ever.
What's one book that has impacted you?
Who inspires you?
Abraham Thomas. He is a church planter, evangelist, and visionary for the country of India. He is my friend and he is passionate about bringing the Gospel to the lost in India.
What's one thing about you that would surprise people?
I love snow. I love blizzards and long, cold winters.
(Editor's note: you're crazy, Linda! ;-)
Welcome to the growing BridgePoint Church family, Brookses!