Facebook’s “500 Million Stories” Shows the Power of Taking Advantage of Social Media

On Wednesday, July 21st, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg released a video on the official Facebook blog announcing not only the social network reaching the 500 million user milestone, but the release of the new application, Facebook Stories.

According to the blog:

“To celebrate, we've put together a collection of stories you've shared with us about the impact Facebook and your friends have had on your lives. We're launching a new application called Facebook Stories where you can share your own story and read hundreds of others, categorized by themes and locations around the world.”

Facebook Stories is a a tool that collects stories of how Facebook and the connections it has created have done some good in the lives of its users. He gives examples of stories including a boy in Kentucky who helped save an outdoor theatre, or a mother in Phoenix who detected breast cancer after reading a status update regarding the disease from one of her connections.

It goes to show that there may be a group of people who use Facebook regularly, but there is another group of people that know how to really take advantage of the online tool. More and more people and businesses are falling in to that latter group because, whether or not its your cup of tea, it's a powerful tool, and one that you need to be taking advantage of to its fullest potential.

As we stated after reading the book Socialnomics, there is a Revolution going on with the World Wide Web. An ever-increasing number of people are not only just using the web, but using the web to connect in a way that even a half-decade ago didn't exist. And the good news is spreading beyond the US on the web. Click here to check out the application and not only read the stories about how Facebook has done some good in people's lives, but also check out the map to see where these stories are taking place.

Click here to read "There is a Revolution Going On Out There"

This is a great tool for the web and congratulations should go to Facebook and Zuckerberg, a 26 year old who has created an incredible tool that is used by over 500 million users across the globe in just six years.