First Day Magic!

By: Contributor Last Updated: August 30, 2013

First-DayWritten by Jane Scupham, Principal

After months of preparation, the stage was set for the beginning of another school year and everyone was just waiting for the missing ingredient—students! Early on Tuesday morning all was complete as car after car dropped off loads of smiling students. A sea of students with new uniforms, bulging backpacks of ready-to-be-used school supplies, and optimism for a new year swept into the building. It was a beautiful beginning to the 146th year of schooling at Saint Paul Catholic School.

The morning was only made lovelier by the all-school Mass celebrated by Father Joe. As Father Joe said in his homily, “the school year can be counted as a success if the only thing the students learn is to trust fully in God.” Of course, we will strive to further open our students’ hearts and minds to God and to the other academic subjects that make up our challenging curriculum. With our parents, the first and foremost teachers, we look forward to partnering for another year of education.