Go and Spread the Good News

By: Contributor Last Updated: March 8, 2010

Written by Jane Scupham, principal

Who? Me? An evangelist?!

“Because God is love, and we are made in His image and likeness, our relationships should reflect Him in the world. This, perhaps, is the greatest form of evangelizations: to make an invisible God visible to the world through our love.” Purity 365: Daily Reflections on True Love

What pops into your head when someone says the word evangelist? Do you see a frantic television preacher pacing the floor of his mega-church mopping his sweaty brow and waving his soft-spine bible in the air? Or do you picture some biblical character with a long beard preaching fire and brimstone? Can you imagine carrying a business card that states your profession, your role as husband or wife, a loving child, a loving sibling, a loving parent, and (gasp!) a loving evangelist?

As Christians we are called to be models of God’s love in this world. We are all called to be evangelists; maybe not to wave our bibles around, or wander around in the desert, but to show others by the way we live, how great is the Lord. Maybe it isn’t possible to fill trucks every month with supplies bound for Appalachia, or to collect diapers on a weekly basis for Birthright, but it is possible to strive to show others God’s love through our daily interactions. That smile or wave given to the meddlesome neighbor, that hug given to the joyful child, the Kleenex handed to the crying mother, the space you left for the car trying to get into your lane, the prayer you offered for those suffering a painful spot in their lives; all are ways to evangelize the world. We are not asked to make daily earth-shattering proclamations of God’s love, but small loving acts of kindness to those with whom we come into contact in our lives. The opportunities are there. God is quite generous with them. We just need to open our eyes and hearts, and act on them.

Go and spread the Good News!