Sunday, I celebrated my Grandma's 84th birthday with my family. She is considered the matriarch of the family and we highly respect her. Looking back at my younger years, she always took care of my sister and I, spoiled us rotten, watched over us and most importantly; loved us. She shared wisdom, funny stories and personal insights on many different aspects of life.
A couple of weeks ago, I was sent out to cover a story of the new police officers being sworn in at city hall. Mayor Costas had some great words to say about the importance of family. As the new officers stood tall; their proud families looking on; Mayor Costas explained how they stood there that day due to the choices and sacrifices their parents had made for them as well as their own diligence and hard work. Whether it was conscious decisions to be good parents, calling at 9 pm on a Friday to check where they were, or forcing them to sit down and do their homework, family plays a major role.
Costas continued by stating that many of the choices that affect our lives were made before we were even born. Did our parents choose to live moral, law abiding lives? Did they realize that they might one day have a child, or when they found out they were going to have one, realize that they could no longer just watch out for themselves, but that they had a greater purpose in their life now? To love, care, and educate a new generation. To hopefully impart enough wisdom so that the new generation did not stumble across the same pitfalls of their generation?
Every family has it's rough patches. Families are meant to argue, to yell, to question our personal greater plans. But we also are meant to heal, care for, support, and love our family. I know for a fact that I would not have as a successful professional, academic and personal life if it wasn't for my family's support and guidance. My dad's keen eye and the importance he places on reading every line of anything you read, as well as having a plan for not only today, but for years to come, both financially and in any goal you wish to set in life. My mother for her compassion, and her spirit which never gives up no matter how dire the situation may seem. Her joy of both simple and exotic locations, food, and entertainment. My sister for her driven work ethic, her indomitable spirit and showing me that the principles and morals that my parents were raised on are still fashionable, useful, and very important in today's society.
As I begin the last semester of my college experience, I look back and realize just how much my family has supported me and still do. In years to come, I will need less of their support, but I will always turn to them for advice, a willing ear to listen, or simply just to relax and catch up on great times. I hope to be able to support them in many ways in the future and someday be able to support a family of my own.
Where ever you are in your life, take a moment and think of those you hold dear. Your family and friends who have supported you all these years. The ones that you know you would do anything for and have done everything they could for you. Remember the importance of family.