Keys to a More Impressive Presser

IndianaChamber_clr.gifDoes your business put out press releases? If so, you might be able to benefit from these 3 tips from BusinessWired. (And don’t forget: Indiana Chamber members are invited to post their latest announcements on our web site.)

1. Include your organization’s name. Ownership implies a name, and that is perhaps the most important element. Don’t assume the public knows who you are, no matter how big you are. These press releases are the story of your organization on the Web. Give your company the recognition it deserves! Additionally, those who search by your company’s name will have a way to find your release on the Internet.

2. Be concise. The three-second rule fits perfectly. Be brief in summarizing the content of your press release. Longer headlines are less likely to be picked up by search engines. Be concise. Less is more.

3. Stay on point. You have something important to say. While it’s good to be concise, don’t let the effort to be succinct overshadow the message. Read and re-read your headline. Are you staying on point or trying to fit too much in too small a space?

The headline is the first appearance of your message to the world. Own it, and help your release go the distance!

- Christina Jahnke, Editor, Business Wire Chicago