Our Future is at Stake — Teens Need Your Help

PATH_GreenLogoSmallTaglineYour presentations were very interesting and dealt with real-life situations. To be honest, it does get annoying hearing about abstinence, and staying away from drugs and alcohol. But I felt that I actually got something from the lessons you have taught me. Before this presentation, I felt as if I was expected to have sex. Peer pressure is very difficult at this stage in life. Thankfully, this presentation saved me from a terrible mistake. Thank you again for taking the time to change our lives!

Paola is a young lady who participated in a PATH program in her eighth-grade classroom. Like most teens, Paola was feeling pressure from others her age – the pressure to experiment with alcohol, drugs, and sex. PATH (A Positive Approach to Teen Health) partnered with Paola’s school to conduct a series of interactive workshops that reveal the potential consequences for making unhealthy choices. The workshops included demonstrations for effectively resisting peer pressure and diffusing bullies. As Paola’s statement above declares, her life was changed!

PATH educators teach that most major life decisions are made from age 13 to age 26. That’s true! In middle school, teens are discovering talents and begin to explore career options. They are formulating habits, both healthy and unhealthy, that will likely remain with them indefinitely. Habits relating to attitude, diet, finance, hygiene, relationships, and more – the middle-school years help to set the stage for high school and beyond. In high school, boys and girls are driving cars and choosing their first jobs. Teens at this age begin to envision the kind of man or woman they will marry and the home where both of them will live. The adults they become will depend much upon the choices that they make as teens.

Yes, if there is ever a time for a life to be changed for the better, it is during the critical teen years! And like PATH, you have the opportunity to help young people make the choices and decisions necessary for a fulfilling and healthy life. Your generous gift to PATH will help to support its work in classrooms, clubs, and churches throughout Northwest Indiana. The need to reach teens is growing, and PATH can meet the need with your help. Whether through PATH’s classroom training, workshops or assemblies, or its Liv.True Mentoring programs – your gift will change lives for good!


Here are two more of the hundreds of testimonials received from PATH teens …

Now I know how to be more alert. You also taught us to set limits. Thanks for everything you’ve done.

Listening to what you had to say was an eye-opener for me. I knew the consequences of having sex, but I didn’t know that they could be so severe. Now that I do, I will think twice before I react in a way that leads to sex. I have a life to live and goals to reach. Thank you!

Please make your generous, tax-deductible gift to PATH today, and together we can reach even more young people. The year-end is approaching, and PATH has NAP (Neighborhood Assistance Program) credits available. You can make your gift online by visiting www.pathblazer.org/support.php.

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of teens in Northwest Indiana! From the staff, volunteers, and teens of PATH, we wish you a joyous and peaceful holiday season.