Purdue University North Central Office of Continuing Education will offer a non-credit computer course which will expand upon the basics of using a computer and get individuals further along on the path to computer literacy.
"Expanding the Basics of Using Your Computer" will meet at PNC - Porter County at 600 Vale Park Road, Valparaiso on Thursdays, Oct. 8 to 22, from 1 to 3 p.m.; Mondays, Oct. 19 to Nov. 2, from 9 to 11 a.m. and at the PNC Westville campus on Tuesdays, Oct. 20 to Nov. 3 from 1 to 3 p.m.
The registration fee is $96. A recommended book is also available for $28.
This course will cover topics such as customizing the workspace, finding programs, using different types of storage devices, understanding menus, files and folders.
To register for this workshop, or to obtain information about this or other courses available through the PNC Office of Continuing Education, contact 462-4197 , ext. 5343, or visit www.pnc.edu/ce. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact ext. 5343.