Volume 16, Issue 4
October 15, 2009
The newest Porter County Career and Technical Education Newsletter is now available. Articles include:
- Cosmetology Students Work on Teamwork Skills
- A word from the Career Counselor, Mrs. Debra Heitmann
- Fire Science Students Assess Local Structures
- Marketing and Work Study Students Make Halloween Decorations for Local Senior Citizens
- Free Winter Car Checks provided by students on October 17, from 10a - 2p
- Homeland Security Class Present Projects on Notorious Criminals
- And much MORE!
Click here to download the Porter County Career and Technical Education News.
Porter County Career and Technical Education News is a newsletter for promoting the high achievement of our staff and students. Written contributions to the newsletter are always welcome. Most articles should be written in 100 words or less. Please fax (531 - 3173), call (531-3170), or email jgroth@mail.valpo.k12.in.us This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with news to be published about you and your students.
Visit the Porter County Career and Technical Education Website at: