If you use Opportunity Enterprises, Porter County Aging Community Services or V-Line, you are invited to attend a Public Meeting held by Opportunity Enterprises, Porter County Aging Community Services and V-Line. Comments, concerns, suggestions, stories & experiences are encouraged!
The meeting is to take place on April 28, 2009 at the Porter County Aging Community Services known as the “Wilbur Hutchins” Building at 1005 Campbell Street, Valparaiso, IN. The public is welcome to come any time between 2 PM and 3:30pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to gather input and comments from the public regarding services provided by the public transportation providers in Porter County to current and potential riders, including people with disabilities.
Reasonable Accommodations Provided: The facility is wheel chair accessible; designated parking is available. Please let us know 48 hours in advance of the meeting if you need additional reasonable accommodations. Contact: Bruce Lindner, (464-9736 Ext. 11) or bhlindner@verizon.net.
Written or Taped Comments will be Accepted in advance of the meeting and for 30 days after the meeting. Send to Bruce Lindner at bhlindner@verizon.net or PCACS 1005 Campbell Street, Valparaiso, IN 46385 or fax (462-6993).
The Meeting will be Audio Recorded to ensure we have accurately heard the comments of the people speaking.
Public Transportation to the Meeting: Public transportation is available for Porter County residents from Opportunity Enterprises (464-9621), and Porter County Aging and Community Services (462-4302). The V-Line (476-9393) also has a stop right in front of Porter County Aging and Community Services.