My Grandma Lawler and Albert Einstein had something in common. No, my grandmother was not a theoretical physicist (in fact, she was only a high school graduate) but she did believe in doing the right thing and honoring the efforts of those who came before her. She was one to volunteer at church, at school, at a family member’s home. No task was too menial or humble for Grandma to be involved in. She’d roll up her sleeves and get to work, even while wearing her favorite fur hat and diamond necklace! The rewards of her work were seen in a beautifully set table at the holidays, a drapery hung where none had been, a church function going off without a hitch due to Grandma’s planning and work, a clean school floor due to Grandma grabbing a broom, pitching in and sweeping before running off to do something else.
I look around and I see the need for more people with the mindsets of Einstein and Grandma. Our school community is in need of more people who are willing to honor the work of those who have gone before us by continuing their volunteer work ethic. There are needs all around the school and church that could easily be fulfilled by those who want to make their mark on the school’s history. I’m not referring to volunteering for “hours.” I’m talking about volunteering because it is the proper and honorable thing to do. Volunteering is the type of activity that we want our children to see us doing. The wonderful thing about volunteering is that it does not require any special training or financial obligation. If you are new to the school community, what better way to become part of the family but by pitching in and helping out? The school does not have either the manpower or the financial wherewithal to hire someone to clean up the gym after games, or drive to the bakery for bagels for Friday coffee, or clean up the church’s kitchen after a social. We rely on volunteers to make these things possible. We want and need your help! Please, grab a broom, a shovel, a dusting cloth, a garbage can, and become involved. You can even wear your favorite fur hat and diamond necklace—Grandma would approve!