What are Your Risk Factors?: Total Cholesterol Screening

Please join in at the Portage YMCA next Wednesday, Aug 26th at 9AM for a Total Cholesterol Screening, a complete computerized risk assessment and a presentation by Mike Nimmons of Porter's Cardiac Rehabilitation Department all hosted by Porter's Senior Circle.

Join Mike Nimmons of Porter's Cardiac Rehabilitation Department as he presents a Senior Circle seminar entitled, Five Ways to Avoid the Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle.  Nimmons will discuss how physical activity can positively impact such health risk factors as stress levels, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

And as an added bonus, participants can receive a free total cholesterol screening, and a complete computerized risk assessment which utilizes the results of the cholesterol screening to estimate their 10 year risk of having a heart attack.  

To register, feel free to email nwiseniorcircle@porterhealth.com or call 263.5087. To download your own Risk Factors flyer, click here!