Event Information
The Discovery Trackers 4-H Club will be hosting a pancake breakfast on Saturday, October 12 from 8am-11am in the Discovery Charter School gym at 800 Canonie Drive, Porter, IN. Trackers welcome the South Shore Ghostbusters group who will be at the breakfast signing autographs, showing their Proton Packs, taking pictures with guests and helping the 4-H club to raise funds to further the bat monitoring work of Izaak Walton Porter County Chapter in NWI. Right here in our community, Porter County Chapter has gotten recordings of calls from hundreds of native bats and even some calls that appear to be from endangered or threatened bats, like the Indiana Bat. They share their findings with the USGS through the North American Bat Monitoring program. Admission to the breakfast for adults is $10, $7 for students 6-12 years of age and 5 years and younger are FREE. Coffee, OJ, and sausage will be served alongside the freshly made pancakes. Visit IWLA-PCC on Facebook at @PCCIWLA or NWIconservation.org and Trackers 4-H club on Facebook at @Trackers4h or contact Annette Hansen with any questions; executivedirectoriwlapcc@gmail.com or 219-241-7431
Discovery Charter School
- 800 Canonie Dr
- Porter, IN 46304