Event Information
The scholarship board of the don Quijote Education Fund is calling all shooters to the 7th. Annual don Quijote Fun Shoot to be held on Sunday, September 15, 2019, at the Oakwood Gun Club in Wheatfield. Registration begins at 11:30am. The $65 entrance fee includes a 100 round sporting clays shoot, refreshments and a lunch including Chef Carlos Rivero’s renowned paella. Participants must provide their own shotguns and ammunition. Ammunition can also be purchased at the club. Don’t delay! Participation in this event is limited to 60 shooters. Reservations can be made by contacting: Matt Mullins (Phone 219-477-9035) (E-mail gsd2ster@gmail.com) Or Ed Kasza (Phone 708-825-6897) (E-mail edkasza@comcast.net)
All proceeds from the event will benefit 2019-2020 awards offered by the don Quijote Education Fund which was created to promote and develop Spanish language and cultural enrichment for Porter County students through study or travel.