Home»Events»January Events»NATUREPALOOZA! Living with Lakes Seminars & Festival

NATUREPALOOZA! Living with Lakes Seminars & Festival

Event Information

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This free all ages outdoor nature experience will feature exhibitors, speakers, activities, displays, watersports, give-aways and demonstrations.  The 20th annual event is slated to be better than ever! 

Situated under a canopy of trees with lake access at the Big Wheel Pavilion, the event will include nature hikes, canoeing, hydro-bikes, archery, children’s activities, live animal/reptile/insect/macroinvertebrate  displays, day long exhibits of local environmental groups  and educational speakers. 

Naturepalooza is free and open to the public and is hosted by the Valparaiso Chain of Lakes Watershed Group, along with Woodland Savanna Land Conservancy, Porter County Izaak Walton League, and the Duneland Sierra Club Group – all local non profit environmental organizations protecting our local watershed, area lakes, preserving land and inspiring conservation.  

For more information contact Walt Breitinger 219.462.5821 or visit www.valpolakes.org,  and Valparaiso Chain of Lakes Watershed Group or Naturepalooza on facebook. Submitted Nora Sasse 219-617-07387.

Rogers Lakewood Park


  • 5502 Cambell St
  • Valparaiso, IN 46385