Noon Kiwanis Host Popular Pancake Day

It’s Pancake time again!
For over 50 years, the Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis Club has hosted the popular Annual Kiwanis Pancake Day scheduled this year on Saturday, March 10, from 6 am to 1 pm at the Valparaiso High School cafeteria.
Every year over 2,500 people look forward to the “all you can eat” event. In addition to pancakes, attendees are treated to an endless supply of tasty sausage, juice and coffee.
And that is only the beginning: there are drawings for early bird prizes for those who arrive between 6 to 9 am, and Kiwanis provides a kid’s play area with face painting, cotton candy and live entertainment.
Other entertainment includes WTS Live, Valparaiso High School Jazz Band, and kids piano playing!
Tickets are only $5.00 in advance/$6.00 at the door, and pre school children eat free. Advance tickets available from any Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis member, or at the following locations: Boy-Conn Printing; Bartholomew Insurance; Embroid Me; Cartronix; and the Valparaiso Community Festivals and Events office.
Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis is comprised of 200 community members who volunteer their time at events like Pancake Day so they are able to give nearly $50,000 annually to support local projects that assist children, the elderly, the disabled, and families in need.
For more information about Pancake Day please contact committee chair Scott Carlson at 464-8223.