
Focus on Common Core Standards For Our Schools

By: Center for Creative Solutions, Inc. Last Updated: March 12, 2012

center-for-creative-solutionsThroughout Indiana, K-12 schools are gearing up to meet "common core state standards." The standards will require teaching to think more creatively than in the recent past.

Students will have to learn more than the facts and figures that are commonly tested though ISTEP. Now, they must be able to apply what they learn and solve problems. This will require teaching problem solving skills to our students.

The standards are being rolled out and start with the youngest children. Over time, students will be tested with ISTEP as well as another test which will measure their problem solving skills.

"The common core standards, which will be implemented nationwide, are a result of the growing concern among political, education, business and other leaders that our country will not be able to compete effectively in a global economy which relies more and more on creativity and innovation, " said Cynthia A. Hedge, CEO of the Center for Creative Solutions.

As an example, Toy Wagner, education leader and Co-Director of the Change Leadership Group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, says 21st Century students must be able to:

Solve problems. Adapt to change. Create, innovate and critique. Manage oneself. Reflect on and improve performance. Analyze and conceptualize. Work on teams. Communicate. Be a life learner.

"Making the transition to the common core standards is challenging. It requires a major adjustment in how everyone thinks about education," she added. The Indiana Department of Education, in addition to other educational groups throughout the United States, is working diligently to meet that challenge.

With this backdrop, the Center for Creative Solutions is also focusing on the common core state standards as well. "For years we have been teaching school personnel, individuals, professionals, businesses, organizations and community leaders the same creativity tools and techniques that are reflected in the standards. The tools not only are simple and scientifically proved to be effective but they can be used immediately. We believe we are uniquely positioned to help teachers and administrators understand the creative process so they in turn, are better equipped to help their students.

To learn more about creativity and change leadership, contact the Center for Creative Solutions at (219) 861-0955. The Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to "helping people find creative solutions in their personal, professional, business, organizational and community challenges."