
Immanuel Lutheran Students Eager to Use iPad Technology

By: Immanuel Lutheran School Last Updated: March 16, 2012

Immanuel-Students-iPad-TechImmanuel School is piloting a "one-to-one" experience with technology in fourth grade starting today. Each student will have access to an IPad 2 as Immanuel introduces new and dynamic ways to advance learning opportunities.

Immanuel is tackling the big question: how to best use technology to improve student learning? The goal is to increase the use of interactive technology in the primary and intermediate grades through the use of I-touch and I-pad technology. By 2014 the technology will be school wide. Dr. Frusti, principal of Immanuel Lutheran School, said, "It's our goal that our students step into the community as leaders in education and that will require a strong handle and practical use of today's leading computer applications."

Students were given the equipment Friday morning and quickly began working with applications provided by the school. This cutting edge technology will provide students with extended access to learning. Joshua Bachman, Immanuel science teacher, said, "I'm excited to integrate tablet technology at the middle school level. I currently use an iPad connected to a projector for demonstration, discussion, or video purposes. Once the students have the technology in their hands, however, I will be able to fully integrate all of the iPad's capabilities into instruction."

Training is already underway for Immanuel faculty and staff. With new wireless access, the 62 old school on Monticello Park Drive is ready to launch into a new age. According to recent information from Apple, about 1.5 million iPads already are in use in school settings using more than 20,000 education applications. With few schools using the devices in Northwest Indiana, Immanuel wants to be out in front of the technology wave.