DECA, PCCTC Holding Port-a-Pit Chicken Fundraiser Saturday April 14

Saturday, April 14, DECA members from the Porter County Career and Technical Center will be holding a Nelson’s Port-a-Pit Chicken fund raiser in the K-Mart parking lot (Valparaiso). DECA members will be using the profit to help with their expenses toward the International DECA Conference (competition) later this month and/or their Employer-Employee Appreciation Luncheon in May.
Each half chicken sells for $6.00, and the baby potatoes are $3.00. Limited amount of potatoes are available. Tickets may be purchased from DECA members in advanced or by e-mailing Judy Commers at or call her at the Career Center, 531-3170, ext. 8234.
Chicken and potatoes can be picked up from 10:00 – 1:00.