
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School 8th Graders Visit Washington D.C.

By: Immanuel Lutheran School Last Updated: May 10, 2012

Immanuel-DC-2012-18th Grade students from Immanuel Lutheran School spent one week in April in Washington D.C. learning about American government and history. Students visited the Vietnam War, Korean War and MLK memorials. At the Iwo Jima Memorial two students read the story of the young soldiers depicted in the statue. At the Pentagon Memorial students felt the importance of faith to hold us close to God through all trials. The Holocaust Museum was a favorite experience for Marita Banta-Long, who said, “They put so much detail into the presentations. It was an emotional experience.”

Students also visited several government offices, including the White House, and Capitol Building. “We had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pet Bo, the President’s dog,” said Jenna Miller. The class met with Senator Lugar’s staff and learned about the importance of a senator’s work. Some students chose to participate in the opening session of the House of Representatives. According to Blair Arnell it was the highlight of her trip because, “it let us see how our country is run.”

Other memorable experiences include seeing Ford Theater and the place where President Lincoln was shot, visiting the home of President Washington, Mount Vernon, seeing the Shuttle Discovery being delivered to the Air and Space Museum on the back of a 747, and laying a cross wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 8th Grade teacher Candy Mues said, “Our class is truly thankful for all the support from our family at Immanuel. We understand the gift that we were given by having this time together and witnessing the power of God through all aspects of life.

