Mundell Named Valpo Kiwanis Foundation Volunteer of the Year (Update)

The Valparaiso Kiwanis Club Foundation named Robert Mundell of Valparaiso as its 2012 Volunteer of the Year during a luncheon at Strongbow Inn on Wednesday, May 30. Mundell was the successful candidate chosen from a pool of candidates nominated by 13 not-for-profit agencies in the Greater Valparaiso area. He was nominated by American Legion Post #94 Commander Donald Davis.
Bob Mundell volunteers to coordinate the color guards for the funerals of U.S. veterans in Valparaiso. He has commanded the funeral color guard for the past 7 years. His duties consume approximately 500 hours per year. “There is no question that Bob will complete his duties. He never denies a veteran this honor,” said Commander Davis. “Bob truly believes that every deceased veteran should be properly recognized for his or her military service.” Ironically, the few days following Memorial Day was one of the few occasions when Mundell is able to get away from his color guard duties. Therefore, he was represented at the May 30 recognition luncheon by fellow American Legion member Jim Atkinson. Speaking in place of Mundell at the recognition luncheon, Atkinson said, “You have truly selected a man (Bob Mundell) committed to his volunteer work. He is an outstanding example for me and for all of us.”
The purposes of the Kiwanis Foundation Volunteer of the Year Award program are to recognize outstanding volunteers in the Greater Valparaiso area, to encourage increased volunteerism within the community, and to celebrate the spirit of volunteerism in Valparaiso. Any Valparaiso area community based not-for-profit organization may nominate one person each year for this award. Agencies in Greater Valparaiso interested in making
- Robert Mundell, 2012 Valparaiso Kiwanis Foundation Volunteer of the Year, nominated by American Legion Post # 94
- 2012 Volunteer of the Year Award nominees (and nominating agencies) – Seated L to R: Mary Liggett (Opportunity Enterprises), Joyce Schleicher (Immanuel Food Pantry), Kristin Morrisson (Valpo Community Festival & Events), Maria Escot (NWI Lutheran Hispanic Mission Society), Nancy Thiel (Alzheimer’s Association), Beth Perry (Supporters of Military); Standing L to R: Jeff Liggett (Opportunity Enterprises), Roger Weitgenant (Hilltop Neighborhood House), Tom Newton (Valpo Family YMCA), Jim Atkinson representing Robert Mundell (American Legion Post #94), Craig Meinbresse (Taltree Arboretum & Gardens), Jeffry Van Syoc (City of Valparaiso), Jan Dick (Porter County Career & Tech Center); Missing from the photo: Robert Mundell (American Legion Post #94) and Jim & Oleta Chester (Housing Opportunities)