
CASA Seeking Community Volunteers

By: Family & Youth Services Bureau Last Updated: August 30, 2012

family-youth-services-bureau-logoThe CASA program, Court Appointed Special Advocates, announces the next training session for Porter County volunteers that will begin in October 2012.

A CASA is a trained community volunteer who is appointed by the Juvenile Court to represent the “best interests” of children who have been abused and/or neglected. The CASA works to ensure that the child’s voice is heard in decisions regarding his/her life and that needed services are provided for that child and his/her family so that the abuse or neglect might be curtailed.

Being a CASA volunteer gave me the feeling of knowing for a short period of time I can make a remarkable difference in a child’s life,” said former CASA volunteer and current Family & Youth Services Bureau board member Vickii Brock.

The six-week volunteer training begins on Monday, October 1, and is scheduled every Monday and Thursday evening through Thursday, November 8. Each session begins at 5:30 pm and ends at 8:30 pm.

Background checks are necessary to become a CASA volunteer; anyone interested in becoming a CASA must contact the CASA office by Friday, September 14, so that there is time to complete a background check.

Contact Patti Wachter at 464-9585 for further information. The CASA Program is one of the many services and programs provided to Porter County residents by the Family & Youth Services Bureau.