
THURSDAY, February 28, 2013 – NIRPC Office -Ped, Pedal & Paddle Committee Meeting

By: Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission Last Updated: February 27, 2013

NIRPC-boat-peopleTHURSDAY, February 28, 2013 – NIRPC Office -Ped, Pedal & Paddle Committee Meeting – 1:30pm

Lake Michigan in a Dugout

In 2012, Amy Lukas & Mary Catterlin, Beverly Shores residents, circumnavigated ALL of Lake Michigan in a “dugout,” or homemade canoe. In all they traveled for 93 days for a distance of nearly 1,200 miles. Amy & Mary will be on hand to present on their remarkable and inspirational journey.


Porter County resident William Pauley will present on a GPS-based 911 communication system to aid with emergency reporting on regional trails.


NirpcGBLogocopyNIRPC Complete Streets Design Guidance…3PC APPROVAL!

In 2012 the Active Transportation Alliance from Chicago put together a design manual covering the universe of Complete Streets design and policy in a number of urban and rural contexts. NIRPC staff is proposing to utilize these guidelines so as to provide sponsors needed direction as they design and engineer their roadway projects in accordance to NIRPC Complete Streets Policy. Staff will be asking the 3PC to recommend approval of these design guidelines to the Transportation Policy Committee for their March meeting.

Please take the time to review this outstanding resource via the website:


Stephen Sostaric from NIRPC will discuss the upcoming Highway Safety Improvement Program, or HSIP. There is money available for projects that aid with safe travel for bicyclists and pedestrians – and at a 90-10 split. Stephen will be there to answer any questions you may have about the HSIP cycle which starts March 1st.

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Reasonable Accommodations: Requests for American Sign Language Interpreters may be made 72 hours in advance to

Mitch Barloga at 219-763-6060, or