Independent Cat Society May Adoption Promo – Adopt a Tabby!

During the month of May the Independent Cat Society is promoting the adoption of our many wonderful tabby cats at the shelter. We have beautiful tabbys in all colors, ages and sizes. For only $35 you can adopt a wonderful tabby cat, two tabby cats for only $55. This fee includes spay or neuter, current vaccines, flea treatment, and nail trim. We also offer a free initial vet visit with one of our participating vets within 2 weeks of the adoption.
Rollo, our Tabby Spokeperson for the May promo says "Tabbys make the best furrever friends" and hopes you will come out and meet and adopt one or more of these wonderful cats during this promotion.
We are also continuing our special adoption promo of 'adopt a cat over 5 years of age and we will waive the entire adoption fee'. We have had great success with this promotion and have gotten many of our adult cats into wonderful homes. We also are offering that any adoption during the month of May will have the cats name placed in a drawing for a $50 Pet Supplies Plus gift card at the end of the month.
So come out and meet our wonderful cats and kittens available for adoption. Help support the Independent Cat Society and the great work we do on behalf of the many cats and kittens in our care.
Any questions please contact the ICS at 219-785-4936 or our facebook page.