
Duneland Exchange Club’s Frog Hunt to be June 1st

By: Duneland Exchange Club Last Updated: May 1, 2013

Exchange-Club-of-DunelandThe Duneland Exchange Club's 10th annual Frog Hunt will be from 1 to 4 p.m., Saturday, June 1 at Sunset Hill Farm County Park, in conjunction with the Porter County Wildlife Management Advisory Board's A Celebration of Wildlife.

Saturday's Frog hunt activities include a tadpole hunt for children age 7 and younger and a frog hunt for everyone. Find any one of the 60 "pretend" frogs hidden along the park trails and share in cash prizes valued from $10 to $500. To participate in the frog hunt, it costs $10 for adults 16 and older and $5 for children 5 and older.

The family-oriented A Celebration of Wildlife will be from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday featuring exhibits displaying native and exotic wildlife. This year will also feature a lecture with live bats and a snake exhibit with large constrictor type snakes. New this year to the event will be the availability of hot-air balloon rides. There will be a nominal fee for balloon rides. During the day, there will be activities, food vendors, and entertainment. Admission for the Wildlife Festival is free. For more information on the Celebration of Wildlife, visit

Proceeds from the Duneland Exchange Club's Frog Hunt benefit child abuse prevention and youth development in Porter County. To help support the effort, business event sponsors and community frog sponsors are needed with a variety of recognition levels. For more information on the Frog Hunt, contact Pam Strudas at (219) 508-0371 or or visit