ICS Celebrating Black and White Cats the Month of June

During June the ICS is promoting their black and white cats and kittens through a Black and White Celebration. We are offering the adoption of a black and white cat or kitten for only $35 or two black and white cats or kittens for only $55. This fee includes spay or neuter, current vaccines, flea treatment, and nail trim. We also offer a free initial vet visit with one of our participating vets within 2 weeks of the adoption. We are also continuing our adoption special of 'adopt a cat over 5 years of age and we will waive the adoption fee'. So come out and meet all our wonderful cats and kittens available for adoption.
On June 15th from 4pm to 8:30pm at the ICS Shelter located at County Line Road and Route 6 in Westville, Indiana the Independent Cat Society will hold its Black and White Celebration reception to honor our many wonderful volunteers and all our cats. Please bring your own seating and beverage. Appetizers and cake will be served. We will also offer a Tour of our Rainbow Bridge Garden along with other special events. Gifts/donations* are gratefully accepted.(litter, grainfree food, paper goods, and monetary donations) Please come join us for a evening of quiet enjoyment and help us celebrate.
The ICS is also holding a drawing for a Black and White Celebration Basket. You can purchase a ticket for the drawing several ways. You can stop by our shelter and purchase a ticket for $1 each. Or you can vote in our Celebration Door contest at the shelter where you can vote for your favorite decorated room door for $1 for each vote and you are automatically entered into the drawing. Or you can go to our website and click on PayPal and indicate that you are purchasing a raffle ticket. Be sure to indicate your name and address on Paypal so we can mail you your raffle ticket stub. All tickets must be purchased by June 26th and the drawing will be held on June 29th.
Any questions regarding any of these events or items please contact the ICS Shelter at 219-785-4936. Leave your name and # and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.