Beat Summer Boredom

So it’s the end of the school year and classes are letting out for the summer. Kids are celebrating and rejoicing, while parents may be wondering how their child will pass the time outside of school. Even if your children are old enough to spend the day at home alone, what could you plan for them to do to keep them occupied and out of trouble?
Day camps or clubs offer outdoor or indoor activities that are often thematic and teach skill. Some programs may offer part-time, evening, or discount options:
- The Boys and Girls Club
- Y.M.C.A
- The Parks Department
Getting a summer job may be what your child is thinking of doing. Having a job is a great way to learn about money. Your child will also have a chance to learn skills related to life and work, such as time management and professionalism.
- Retail, restaurants, camps, or parks are good options to consider if you are looking into your child getting a summer job.
Maybe volunteering is more appropriate or appealing to your child.
- Animal shelters, libraries, or soup kitchens are great opportunities for your child to learn more about service and cooperation.
Some activities to consider for the whole family:
- Your town or city may have affordable, family-friendly events scheduled during the warmer months, such as a movie or concert in the part.
- The library often has readings for younger children and book clubs the older ages.
- Bowling allies often have discounted prices and outdoor activities in the summer months.
- A local drive-in is a fun, seasonal activity for your family to experience together.
Whatever the activity, consider planning something that gets your child active or engaged during the summer months!
Mental Health America of Porter County offers programs that assist individuals and families. Building Up Our Youth (BUOY) is dedicated to teaching adults how to instill positive self-esteem and security in youth. For more information about BUOY or our other services please contact Christine Pirlot, Program Director at 462-6267 or