NIRPC Public Participation Plan Commission Appoints Sub-Committee to Hear Comments

The Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) has drafted a revised Public Participation Plan, updating the Public Participation Plan that was adopted in 2007. The new Plan reflects NIRPC’s continuing commitment to reach out to and engage residents in the regional planning and decision-making processes relative to NIRPC’s three planning domains of transportation, economic development and the environment. The Plan has been in development for over a year, with the advice and guidance of many stakeholders. The most recent draft Plan was issued in May after extensive public review.
Everybody Counts, an advocacy group for Northwest Indiana’s disability community requested a meeting with NIRPC commissioners to voice their concerns. Five commissioners have volunteered to sit on this sub-committee, which is open to the public. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, July 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at NIRPC’s office at 6100 Southport Road in Portage. The findings of the committee will then be presented to the NIRPC Commission. NIRPC Chairman and Crown Point Mayor Dave Uran said, “It is a public meeting, an open dialogue and all commissioners are welcome to attend.”
NIRPC is a regional council of local governments serving the three counties of Northwest Indiana. NIRPC provides a forum that enables the residents of Northwest Indiana to address regional issues relating to transportation, the environment and community and economic development. NIRPC is the voice of regionalism in Northwestern Indiana, and a developer of consensus-backed solutions.
Contact: Ty Warner, Executive Director at
Phone: 219-763-6060