
Enjoy Fall Colors

By: Purdue Extension - Porter County Last Updated: October 3, 2013

Purdue-ExtensionMyths about Jack Frost are so ingrained in our folklore that it is difficult to separate fact from fantasy when explaining the annual spectacle of autumn color. Every fall, both hardwood and conifer trees develop fall color. This annual fall phenomenon delights many folks known as “leaf peepers” who may travel miles to see the amazing fall foliage in parts of the United States that boast vast acreages of forests and trees.

While the best weather for autumn color is bright sunny days followed by cool nights, each year is unique for enjoying fall colors. The combination of chemical pigments in leaves like chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins along with trapped sugars and cell waste products like tannins make for a fleeting but visually enjoyable fall season.

Below are some links to help you better understand why leaves change color (facts) and suggestions on how you may better enjoy this colorful time in autumn (fantasy):

Purdue Extension factsheet on the physiological reasons why leaves change color in the fall:

An article about fall color by B. Rosie Lerner, Purdue Extension Horticulture Specialist:

Purdue Extension article explains the normal color change in needles on evergreen trees known as fall needle drop:

From Indiana DNR, Fall Colors, and How They Occur - Is Jack Frost really responsible?


From Indiana DNR, Catching & Keeping Fall Colors brochure:

US Forest Service website (which is active during the government shutdown) that has some very useful tools to help plan your adventure to see fall trees and wildflowers this autumn:

Article from University of Illinois Extension on Why Tree Leaves Turn Color in Autumn? Helps you determine if you are a “leaf peeper”!

University of Illinois Extension Miracle of Fall website with extensive links to About Fall Color, Foliage Updates, Fall Fun, Driving & Hiking, Foliage Trees, Fall Education, Foliage Cams, Foliage Photos, Festivals & Events and Other Things Fall:

For more information contact your local Purdue Extension office by calling 1-888-EXT-INFO (1-888-398-4636) or visit