
Stay Safe This Halloween

By: Mental Health America of Porter County Last Updated: October 25, 2013

PumpkinsMental Health America of Porter County realizes that Halloween is right around the corner! That means that it is time for costumes, candy, and decorations. With all of the fun that accompanies this holiday, MHAPC would like to remind you that there are many things to be aware of during the night filled with tricks and treats.

This fun night can have many dangers, and the following are some precautions that you can take, as recommend by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention:


If you are expecting trick-or-treaters, there are many things you can do to help ensure their safety too:


There is a lot of fun and entertainment to be had on this evening of treats, but this spooky night can have many dangers that can ruin the experience for everyone. Be sure to have fun, but also to stay safe and make the evening a memorable one.

Mental Health America of Porter County offers programs that can assist individuals and families. Building Up Our Youth (BUOY) is dedicated to teaching adults how to instill positive self-esteem and security in the youth around them. For more information about BUOY or our other services please contact Christine Pirlot, Program Director at 462-6267 or