
Bulk Mail Tip – Another Way to Save Postage

By: Flanagins Bulk Mail Service Last Updated: May 12, 2011

LettersHere’s another easy way to save on postage. Co-mingle your metered mail.

What is co-mingled mail? Your mail is put with other mail and presorted before it goes to the post office, because of that process it costs less to mail. Simple and easy. Fill out two easy forms one time, meter at a lower rate and deliver to us, save postage.

True story:

Yesterday I received a newsletter mailed by a local non-profit. They had 64 cents metered postage on it.


If they would allow us to co-mingle this mail they could meter it at 53.9 cents. A savings of 10.1 cents postage per piece. It still goes first class and it still gets the same first class handling from the post office.

As it turned out it did not weigh over 1 oz, so it did not need 64 cents to begin with so we could have saved them 22.6 cents per piece.

Doing it yourself is not always the best decision.

If you meter your mail, if you have over 100 pieces and if you want to save postage, please contact us first. (click here)

Have a wonder-filled day,

Donna Flanagin

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