
Youth to Raise Funds During 30 Hour Famine

By: Aubrey Baker Last Updated: April 11, 2014

30HourFamineDid you know that a child dies from hunger-related causes every 13 seconds? There are as many as 7,000 kids under the age of 5 that are killed every single day. In most cases, these children don't die because of starvation, but because their little bodies are so malnourished. The malnutrition weakens their immune systems, which makes them more susceptible to deadly diseases. The 20,000+ child deaths every day are 100% preventable.
No child should suffer and die because they do not have enough food to eat. Can you imagine if you were one of the 2.6 billion people who live on less than $2 a day? Not only do you have to care for yourself, but also for your entire family.

The poor spend majority of the little money they make each day on food, which then leaves them next to nothing for shelter, school, healthcare, and clothes. Before churches all over the world started doing the 30 Hour Famine, the total number of children who die each day has fallen from 40,000 to just over 20,000.

30HourFamine-001On April 11th and 12th, the youth at Calvary Church in Valparaiso are getting a glimpse of what it's like to be hungry. They will be raising funds to feed and care for children in over 100 countries by going without food for 30 hours, so that others do not have to. They will also be collecting canned food items from grocery stores around town for their local food pantry.

The following businesses have committed to assist Calvary's youth service project by donating canned food items:

Stracks and VanTil, Kmart, and Wal-Mart in Valparaiso
Town & Country in Portage
Kmart in Chesterton
WiseWay in Winfield
Save-a-lot/Tysens in Kouts

Every $30 that they raise will help feed and care for a child for a month. Only a $1 a day! Just a dollar can save a child's life. This is a link to donate to this amazing cause online! Every penny helps.

CLICK HERE to Donate!
