Former Notre Dame President to be La Lumiere School Commencement Speaker

La Lumiere School is pleased to announce Rev. Edward A. Malloy, C.S.C., President Emeritus of The University of Notre Dame will be La Lumiere School's 2014 Commencement speaker. Father Malloy was elected by the Board of Trustees in 1986 as the University's 16th president, having served five years as vice president and associate provost. Father Malloy served as president for 18 years and has been a member of the faculty since 1974. As President Emeritus, he continues to teach as a full-time professor in the Department of Theology, he conducts a seminar for first-year undergraduates each semester, and makes his home in a student residence hall on campus.
Headmaster Michael Kennedy commented, "We are honored and humbled to have Father Malloy as our speaker for our 47th Commencement Exercises. There are only a few people who can follow last year's speaker, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, and Father Malloy is one of them. We are excited to have someone with his experience, both in and out of the classroom, who certainly will provide a meaningful message for our graduates and their families."
Father Malloy led Notre Dame at a time of rapid growth in its reputation, faculty, and resources. The University saw a dramatic improvement in its financial aid resources, in the quality of its campus facilities, and in the diversity of its student body and faculty. During his tenure, Notre Dame fostered its distinctive identity as a Catholic university while gaining the recognition of its peer institutions, Catholic and non-Catholic alike. Headmaster Kennedy added, "On a relative scale, there are some comparisons to what Notre Dame experienced under Father Malloy and what La Lumiere has achieved in the last two decades. As we celebrate the School's 50th Anniversary, La Lumiere continues to enjoy sustained growth and unprecedented student achievement while strengthening our reputation regionally and nationally."
Father Malloy earned his doctorate in Christian ethics from Vanderbilt University in 1975, and Vanderbilt honored him in 1998 with the establishment of a chair in Catholic studies in his name. He has also been awarded 25 honorary degrees. He earned bachelor's and master's degrees in English from Notre Dame in 1963 and 1967, and a second master's degree, in Theology, in 1969 while studying for the priesthood. He was ordained to the priesthood in Sacred Heart Basilica on campus in 1970.
He is the author of more than 50 articles and book chapters, the editor or co-editor of two books, and has published eight books. His latest book, "Monk's Tale: Way Stations on the Journey" is the second volume of his 3-volume memoir. An ethicist by training, he is a member of the Catholic Theological Society of America and the Society of Christian Ethics.
Father Malloy's service to higher education has been long-standing and presently includes membership on the boards of the University of Portland, St. Thomas University, Notre Dame Australia, Saint Mary's College and Notre Dame Board of Trustees; in 2009 he completed serving two terms on the Vanderbilt Board. In addition, during his 18 years as President of the University of Notre Dame, he played a leadership role in many of the major higher education associations, including the American Council on Education (ACE), the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB), Campus Compact, the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU), the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU), and various committees of the NCAA. He was also a long-time member of the Business-Higher Education Forum.