
2014 LifeTrail Health Fair Set for May 2nd

By: Valpo Parks Foundation Last Updated: May 1, 2014

ValpoParks-Foundation-LogoElderStyle Valparaiso invites the community to the Grand Opening of the LifeTrail at Fairgrounds Park on Friday, May 2, from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. The LifeTrail Advanced Wellness System includes seven exercise stations with twenty separate pieces of exercise equipment. With up to 150 exercises, people can enjoy this new fitness addition to Fairgrounds Park.

The Grand Opening will feature certified trainers demonstrating the equipment and helping people to use the equipment to its full extent. In addition to the training, people can enjoy the Health Fair being held in Butterfield Pavilion by the sponsors of Elderstyle Valparasio. Each booth will offer healthy foods, health screenings or activities and resources to get you started on the path to fitness. The ElderStyle Resource Guides will also be available at the Grand Opening.

ElderStyle Valparaiso is a city initiative committed to making Valparaiso a community of choice for older adults. For more information contact the Co-Chairs John Seibert ,Valparaiso Parks, at 462-5144 or Laurie Mullet, Pines Village Retirement Communities, at 465-1510.