Memorial Day Observance at Valpo’s Service Memorial on Friday, May 23

The City of Valparaiso, the Parks Department and the Parks Foundation encourage families, friends, and individuals this Memorial Day holiday weekend, to remember those who have served and given the ultimate sacrifice. The City will hold a Memorial Day observance at the Service Memorial at Foundation Meadows on Friday, May 23 at 9:00 AM.
US Naval Academy appointee Ricardo Rosario, and US Air Force Academy appointee Andrew Antonetti, both 2014 Valparaiso High School graduates, will speak on what has led them to value service and commitment in defending the freedoms enjoyed by citizens of the United States of America. Rosario and Antonetti speak as representatives of those who have also answered the call of duty to serve their country each day.
The Valparaiso Police Department Color Guard will post the colors and WWII Navy Chaplain Reverend John Wolf will give the benediction. Citizens of all ages are invited to this ceremony as well as to other ceremonies that will be held throughout the weekend to honor our military veterans. The City of Valparaiso and the Parks Department and Foundation wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Holiday Weekend.