Brickyard Run 5 Miler/5K

The Brickyard Run will now be associated with the “newest” Brickyard in town. Originally, the name Brickyard Run was taken from the original brickyards that operated in town and were an integral part of Hobart’s history. Today the “Brickie Bowl” which was home to past “Brickie” football teams, has given way to the “Brickyard”, the new home of Hobart football. RACE: The Brickyard 5 Mile Run is the “Gold Cup Series” event.. The Brickyard 5K is NEW this year and is open to all age divisions as well. Awards will be presented for both events. BOTH races will start from the same approximate starting point at the Hobart High School “Brickyard” and end at the same finish line.
Directions to Race
From the west; take I-94 east to I-65 south, I-65 south to Ridge Rd. east, Ridge Rd east to County Line Rd, county Line Rd south to 10th St., 10th St. west to high school; From the east; take I-94 west to Rt. 51 south, Rt 51 south to Rt. 130 east, Rt 130 east to County Line Rd, County Line Rd south to 10th St, 10th St west to high school; From Rt 30; Take Rt 51 north into Hobart, at the intersection of 10th St. & Lincoln St, continue going east on 10th St. to high school on right. Google Hobart High School, 2211 East Tenth Street, Hobart, Indiana, 46342.
Age Divisions
0-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 & over, Masters Division (40 & over), Clydesdale, Athena. AWARDS: Trademark “Bricks” will be awarded to the top three male and female finishers in each age group; Male and Female “Masters” will receive a Brick and trophy; Overall Male and Female winners in each race will receive a Brick, trophy and a $50 gift certificate.
Start/Finish Line & Race Results
Computerized “On the Bib” timing tags by T & H Timing will be used to increase accuracy and speed of results with less hassle to race participants.
Race information / registration forms can be found at or by contacting Race Director, Dale Polomchak at the Hobart YMCA, (219) 942-2183(219) 942-2183 or by e-mail at
Registration and check-in; 5:30 am - 7:00 am; Races start at 7:30 am SHARP
Online Registration
Download Registration Form
Brickyard Run Downloadable Form
Pre-registration (POSTMARKED BY JUNE 28th)
$20 with t-shirt, ($15 without t-shirt)
CRS Members and YMCA Members; $2 discount when pre-registering
YMCA Family Rate: $18 first member, $9 each addtl. family member (pre-reg. ONLY)
After June 28th & on race day $25 (NO DISCOUNTS AFTER JUNE 28th )
5 mile course
As the 5 mile race begins, runners will leave the start line on Union Street, heading north to 10th Street. Runners will turn right and head east to County Line Rd where the course turns right and heads south on County Line Rd. Two blocks south on County Line Rd will be the Mile Marker #1 in the race. As runners crest the hill, they will find Water Station Number 1 on the right at the 1.1 mile point, with Boy Scout Troop # 42 under the leadership of Joe Larson, serving the water. Runners will next turn right on 61st Ave. heading west. Again, two blocks onto 61st will be the Mile Marker #2. At the 2.3 mile point, you will find Water Station # 2, in the capable hands of IBEW Local 697 lead by captain Dan Waldrop. Two blocks after turning right again onto Hobart Rd and heading north, you will find Mile Marker #3. Water Station # 3 is at the 3.3 mile point. Hobart Rd. takes runners back to 10th Street, where runners will turn right negotiate another downhill and then uphill challenge and then find Mile Marker #4 and Water Station #4. After the mile marker it is back to Union Street again and the last leg south on Union to the far entrance to the HHS complex, around the baseball and football fields heading for the home stretch and finish line at the NW corner of the football stadium.
5k course
This is our second year of the 5k addition to the Brickyard Run. The 5 K course offers those runners not quite comfortable with competing at a 5 mile distance the option to compete on their level. The 5 K course starts just outside the registration/check-in area. At the horn, runners will head east to Union St., take a left on Union heading to 10th St. (KEEP IN THE LEFT LANES OF UNION ST. AS THE COURSE TURNS WEST (LEFT) ON 10TH St). Take 10th St. west to Springdale Dr., turn north (right) on Springdale to Luther Dr., south (left) on Luther Dr. back to 10th St.. There will be a Water Station at the 1.4 mile point in front of Trinity Lutheran Church. Take 10th St. east back to Union St., then south (right) on Union St. south to the road immediately past the baseball and football stadiums. Turn right on the road that runs along the south side of the stadiums to the finish line on the west side of the football stadium.