
Upcoming TradeWinds Services Events

By: Tradewinds Services, Inc. Last Updated: August 22, 2014

Trade-WindsTradeWinds’ Deaf Services Luncheon and Motivational Speaker, Brett Eastburn
TradeWinds’ Deaf Services is excited to bring Brett Eastburn, a man born with no arms, no legs, and no handicaps! to Northwest Indiana September 6, 2014 at Avalon Manor in Merrillville. Doors open at 11 a.m. with lunch being served at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 and the luncheon will include various vendors as well as a raffle. For more information or to register call 219-945-0100 ext. 204. We look forward to having you join us and listening to Brett’s inspirational speech about turning handicaps into obstacles which can be overcome!

TradeWinds’ Deaf Services to offer Sign Language Classes
Sign Language classes are being offered now at TradeWinds/Deaf Services. The 6 class series runs from September 15th- October 1st and is conducted on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00pm-7:30pm. The cost is $75.00 payable in advance. The deadline to register is September 12th. Refunds will be given only with 24 hours prior notice to the first class. Call today to register 219-945-0100 ext. 204 or email