
Vale Park to Host CERF Eye Clinic

By: Vale Park Animal Hospital Last Updated: September 16, 2014

Attention breeders! Sunday, September 21st Vale Park Animal Hospital will be holding a CERF eye clinic for only $35.00! Microchips are also available for $25.

Ophthalmologist Jean Stiles, MS, DVM will be on site for the clinic. The clinic takes place from 10am to 3pm and space is limited so call for an appointment today!

Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF) was created by a group of concerned purebred owner/breeders. Their goal is to eliminate heritable eye disease in purebred dogs through registration, research, and education. The group cooperates with the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) to maintain a registry of purebred and hybrid dogs.

CERF also maintains a research database that is put together by all examinations conducted by ACVO Diplomates and the reports created from this resource help breeders and ophthalmologists identify trends in eye disease and breed susceptibility.

If you or anyone you know is interested in singing up for the eye clinic, please call Shari Kirschner at 395-8383 or email