
Raise Funds for La Porte High School with Sauers Buick GMC!

By: Sauers Buick GMC Last Updated: October 29, 2014

Buick-DFYS-FB-BannerOn Thursday, October 30, 2014, Sauers Buick GMC will proudly present the Buick Drive For Your Students event with the goal of Buick donating up to $10,000 to La Porte High School!

For every test drive of a new Buick, Buick will make a donation to La Porte High School. The more people who drive, the more money they'll earn!

Come to La Porte High School's I Street parking lot at 602 F Street in La Porte from 3:30pm - 6:30pm to participate.

For more information, contact Sauers Buick GMC at 219.326.7474.