Gold Coin Found in Salvation Army Porter County Christmas Red Kettle in Valparaiso Walmart Store

2014 Christmas Season Red Kettle Campaign is at $110,325.30 (as of Saturday, 12/20) 72.5% of goal (152,000) in Porter County which is 10% behind our goal last year at this same time. " With only a few days left, we have quite a ways to go. This is our main fund-raising event for the Army each year and one of the world’s oldest philanthropic campaigns." says Major Welch, Corps Officer, " The monies raised over these days (excluding Sundays) will be used to assist those in need in Porter County for Christmas and throughout the 2015 fiscal year and continues to keep the Army serving our community. The traditional red kettle is an integral part of the Christmas scene with our overall Campaign Goal this year at $285, 000 (to date we are at $179,278.64 or at 62.9% of total goal which is 15% behind last years figures at this time). We plan to raise $152,000 through our Red Kettle Drive and $133,000 through our mail appeal drive to serve needy families, youth & seniors in our Porter County communities throughout the year.
The Red Kettle Campaign is into the final week for Red Kettle Bell Ringing. Please know that our Red Kettle Drive ends on Dec. 30, 2014 and our Mail Appeal Drive continues to accept donations thru to January 30, 2015 for this annual campaign. Checks can be designated for the Kettle or Mail appeal drive. All money stays in Porter County for serving our community.
"Thanks to the hundreds of volunteers who rung the bell; fed people on Thanksgiving Day; collected, sorted, wrapped and distributed gifts at The Salvation Army of Porter County Corps Community Center and local Nursing Homes. “The Salvation Army has brought spiritual light and love along with food, clothing and gifts to over 425 families, 915 senior citizens and 806 children which were served this Christmas Season so that the real meaning is not forgotten. We minister to all the needy in Jesus name without discrimination.”
The Christmas events held by the Army include the Angel Tree Food, Clothing & Toy Assistance, Collection and Distribution, Adopt-a-Family Assistance, Christmas Nursing Home/Shut-in Senior Gift Distribution, Holiday Employment for almost 80 Porter County residents, Christmas Food Distribution and Youth & Family Christmas Parties, Christmas and New Year Worship Services along with our daily help with food, rent/mortgage, utility, medicine, employment and transportation assistance. Thank you and may God richly bless Porter County, Indiana.