Parkview Elementary Wins Trip to State Capitol Building

Parkview Elementary School fourth graders under the direction of teachers Faryl Smith and Lisa Thomas visited the Indiana Speedway and the State Capitol building on Thursday, April 2, 2015. This was a special trip for the Parkview group and their teachers.
Each year the 500 Festival & Indianapolis 500® Education Program, along with Indiana University Health, sponsor Indiana “Study Trips” for children to visit Indianapolis and become more engaged with Indiana History. Schools across the state are allowed to enter a lottery where the winners will receive an expense paid trip. Parkview Elementary School was informed in August that they had won the lottery and would be invited to visit Indianapolis on a “Study Trip.”
In order to prepare for the trip, the Parkview Elementary School fourth grade students studied their Indiana History; learning about famous Indiana events, people and artifacts. Since the fourth grade curriculum focuses on Indiana history, winning this trip made for a perfect opportunity for learning to come to life.
Teachers, Faryl Smith and Lisa Thomas, shared that the purpose in going on this field trip was for our students to experience some of the history we have studied this year. The children learned about the Indiana limestone they saw on the outside of the Capitol building. They learned about government and witnessed actual legislation. In fact, while visiting the State Capitol Building, the students were welcomed by State Senator, Ed Charbonneau, State of Indiana House of Representatives, Ed Soliday, and Justice David.
This experience gave the children opportunities to discuss state capitals and learn why Indianapolis was selected. Because the Parkview Elementary School students were so well versed in Indiana history, they were invited to sing “On the Banks of the Wabash” in the Rotunda for all in the state building to hear.
This was a memorable trip for the Parkview Elementary School teachers and students. Parkview teachers recognized the connections their students made with what they had learned in the classroom. Additionally, it was a delight when the State House tour guide complemented the children for their knowledge of Indiana History.