
Purdue Extension-Porter County Master Gardeners Association Offers Scholarship and Grant Opportunities in 2016

By: Purdue Extension - Porter County Last Updated: February 4, 2016

Purdue-Extension-Porter-County-Master-Gardeners-Association-Offers-Scholarship-and-Grant-Opportunities-in-2016The Purdue Extension-Porter County Master Gardeners Association (PCMGA) invite individuals, groups or charitable organizations in Porter County and the immediate surrounding area to apply for $1,000 scholarships, $500 Community Service Donations, $250 Community Grants or $250 Edible Garden Grants.

The PCMGA will award up to three, annual, non-renewable scholarships of $1,000 each to a college sophomore, junior or senior who is majoring in the field of landscape design, horticulture, botany or a closely-related field.

Community Service Donations of up to $500 will be awarded to 501(c)3 organizations involved in some way in gardening or horticulture.

PCMGA also bestows Community Grants of up to $250 each to individuals or groups who have a gardening or horticulture project proposal. This includes, but is not limited to, public and private school teachers, Sunday school teachers, Boys and Girls Club leaders, 4-H Clubs, community organizations and volunteer individuals.

Edible Garden Grants of $250 each will be awarded exclusively to gardens that are dedicated to feeding the hungry by donating to local food pantries that accept fresh produce.

For application and details go to Applications may be delivered to the Purdue Extension- Porter Co. Office, 155 Indiana Ave., Suite 301, Valparaiso, IN 46383 by 4:30 on the deadline of Friday, March 18, 2016. If mailed, they must be postmarked on or by March 11, 2016. FYI: 219-465-3555.