1st Source Bank Partners with Westchester Public Library for ‘Money Matters’ Program

1st Source Bank was pleased to partner with the Westchester Public Library for their third annual Money Matters! Program.
1st Source’s Amanda Miller led the event with the help of colleagues Sharon Nelson, Debbie Dean and Jennifer Eubanks.
The team expertly taught financial education to two different age groups - ages four through seven and ages eight through eleven. The youngest group participated in a sing-along detailing how money flows through the community, an exciting penny toss, and lastly, matched coins and cash to their respective denominations. Comparatively, the older children learned about the different payment methods, the essential parts of a check and how to write checks correctly, as well as how to balance a checkbook. Then, after all the work was finished, everyone was invited to spend their "participation money" from the program at the candy/toy store provided by 1st Source.
All in all, it was a wonderful night, fueled by everyone's willingness to teach, listen, and learn.