
Lake Central’s Tinsley Named All-Conference MVP for Duneland Athletic Conference 2015-16 Girls Tennis Season

By: Duneland Athletic Conference Last Updated: June 6, 2016

lchsLake Central's Kristie Tinsley, holder of the top conference record for Duneland Athletic Conference play, was named the All-DAC MVP this week, along with a nomination into the all conference team. Portage's Haley Mergl & Brittney Shebish and La Porte's Madison Shreves & Grace Scissom each took top doubles honors.

All Conference Team – Spring 2016


Top Conference Record at #1 Singles

Kristi Tinsley Lake Central

Top Conference Record at #1 Doubles

Haley Mergl/Brittney Shebish Portage
Madison Shreves/Grace Scissom LaPorte

Spring 2016 All Conference Girls Tennis Team Standings

1. Crown Point 7-0
2. Lake Central 6-1
3. LaPorte 5-2
4. Valparaiso 4-3
5. Portage 3-4
6. Michigan City 2-5
7. Chesterton 1-6
8. Merrillville 0-7