A Valpo Life in the Spotlight: Chuck Vamos

As the Eagle Scout promise states, “Eagles do their best each day to make their training an example, their rank and their influence count strongly for better Scouting and for better citizenship in their troop, in their community, and in their contacts with other people.”
There’s no question that this applies to Chuck Vamos, a senior at Valparaiso High School who has recently made Eagle Scout. This young man sets an example in his hard work and achievements.
Chuck has been a very involved student throughout his high school career. He has participated in track and cross-country, swim, National Honor Society, and Boy Scouts of America, all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. His hard work and involvement in school, extracurricular activities, and the community see him graduating this spring and heading to Purdue West Lafayette to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering this coming fall.
The Boy Scouts of America, however, has been one of the most influential organizations with which Chuck has been involved. While Chuck was somewhat skeptical of the whole idea before attending his first Cub Scout meeting in first grade, once he’d come to understand the organization he was hooked.
“I’ve always been attracted to the outdoors,” he says. “I got hooked on scouting and haven’t looked back since day one.”
Chuck deeply appreciates the sense of individuality he has discovered within the Scouts. Through his involvement with the Scouts he has become more self-reliant and learned to think on his own feet.
“The Scouts gives you an inner drive that is key to furthering yourself and becoming a better contributor to society,” he states.
Through this organization, Chuck has had the opportunity to become more involved in his community and to take part in unique and meaningful experiences across the United States. He became a member of the Order of the Arrow, which is equivalent in the Boy Scouts to the National Honor Society. Chuck also received the Triple Crown Award for completing high adventure programs at three of the BSA national High Adventure bases. Earning this patch takes a lot of dedication, and Chuck felt a huge sense of accomplishment in doing so.
Recently, Chuck has achieved Eagle Scout rank. This is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting. At first, Chuck didn’t fully recognize the significance of this achievement. However, at his final review, he realized how big of an impact this makes on him, and what an amazing achievement this is.
“I have a new mantra to maintain,” Chuck says, “People view you differently as an Eagle Scout. You have a new responsibility.”
Achieving Eagle Scout is, “kind of like a college degree,” Chuck explains. “It’s an everlasting achievement. You never stop learning and living by the mantras installed by Scouts since day one.”
Chuck’s family is very supportive and proud to see him come so far. His mother was even a Cub Scout leader, and his grandmother who has passed away was also involved in the Scouts, so Chuck’s achieving Eagle Scout holds special significance within his family.
“It commemorates my grandmother,” he says, “She always wanted me to do the best I could.”
Chuck has found his inspiration in life in his parents.
“They have always been hard, diligent workers, and I want to emulate what they do,” he expresses.
As far as his successes in life thus far, Chuck says that it is all due to hard work.
“Achievement and success come down to hard work, determination, and motivation. You need to have a drive, or what’s the point?”
In the future, Chuck hopes to participate in a local troop wherever he becomes established.
“I feel the necessity to give back to Scouting, in light of all it’s given me,” he says.
In this, Chuck embodies the words of the Eagle Scout Promise, as he upholds the ideals of his rank in his wish to lead and give back.