
2016 Hobart Chamber Car Show Showcases Classic Cars, Good Times

By: Ameila Kowalisyn Last Updated: June 18, 2016

Blue skies, warm weather, and a collection of beautiful classic cars are waiting for you today at the car show and family fun day, presented by the Hobart Chamber of Commerce at Elks Lodge 1152 in Hobart.

Lisa Winstead, Executive Director of the chamber, is excited to see this year's turnout. "Last year with the rain we had to reschedule, but today we have perfect weather," she said.

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Winstead and her husband are looking forward to the family day as well as talking about their new venture as Uber drivers in Northwest Indiana. John Yelkich, a Chairman of the chamber, came out with his son John III and their '71 Camero SS. John explained that his car is, "all original and numbers matching".

Bruce Penrod has a special story about his one-of-a-kind '57 Chevy Bel Air. His son rebuilt his beautiful red car after his wife passed away in November, and finished it just in time for her birthday on June 2nd. The trunk and sides of the car have her name Bobbi decaled on them. Penrod spoke with love and pride for his son, his late wife, and this extremely special gift that means so much to him with.

Along with the collection of cars, boats, and motorcycles there will be a variety of activities. At 10am the bags tournament starts, there will be food and drinks, Sgt. First Class Hoglund and Staff Sgt. Luker are here to talk about the Army as well as play some football and help kids make dog tags.

Marion Roskowski, who is a regular at these shows with his boat "The Wood Bye", talked about what a great family event these are for adults and kids alike. Marion's Century Coronada, made of African mahogany, has been a favorite of show-goers for the 20 years he's been presenting it.

So grab the kids, put on some sunscreen, and make your way over to the Elks Lodge today to check out this event. It's going on until 4pm and the awards will be presented at 3:30.