Steindler Signs & Graphix Seeking Experienced Sign Designers/ Installation/ Router/ Painting/ Sales/ Fabrication & Service Techs

Must be creative, energetic, responsible, good with customers, communicate well with other employees.
MUST have min. 3 yrs experience in the industry. We offer competitive wages, insurance, dental plans, vacations and other incentives MUST have a valid drivers license and CDL is a plus for service techs. 40 hrs. a week and Saturdays on occasions (not often)
Design and create all types of signage from interior way finding to large exterior electronic message centers. Vehicle, banner, channel letters, monument signs. Detail is of importance on layouts including measurements and colors, sometimes engineering is required on layouts.
Installation & Service:
Valid drivers license. Use of bucket trucks and tools, Reading a tape measure. Installation of signs in the ground, pole mounted signs, channel letters on buildings, banners. Electrical knowledge is a MUST. Know how a read a volt meter, change ballasts, transformers and power supplies. Parking lot lighting (120V- 480V) LED conversions.
Setting up files for routing of all different types of material. Acrylic, wood, foam, soft metals (alucobond/ alumalite), aluminum and more
Understand the proper techniques for prepping and painting signs. Sanding, priming, finish paint (spray).This includes channel letters, sign cabinets, post, sign faces, foam, acrylic and misc. substrates
Fabricate signs from designs and layouts. Welding alum. and steel. Building channel letter. Installation of fluorescent tubes and LED's. Working with electrical tools, hand tools, shears and brakes. Building signs from wood, foam, alum., steel and plastics.
Make as much money as you want!
Sign Experience. Set your own schedule. Energetic, Self driven, Organized, Great at communication, Valid drivers license and Vehicle. Cold call as well as lead generations. Commission based.
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