
ISP Presents Life-Saving Awards to Four Porter County School Teachers

By: Indiana State Police Last Updated: August 13, 2018

ISP-Presents-Life-Saving-Awards-to-Four-Porter-County-School-Teachers This morning the Indiana State Police were proud to present three life-saving awards to three teachers at Morgan Township School and one to a member of the Valparaiso School District who was unable to attend the event. Eric Braden, Matt Wellsand and Gaelyn Mlynarcik, of Morgan Township School, and Kevin Marine, of Valparaiso Schools, were each presented their awards by Superintendent Doug Carter during a ceremony at the office of Morgan Township. Supt. Carter praised each of the teachers for their quick thinking and heroic efforts that saved the life of Jax Whited. Jax is the son of Indiana State Police Detective Alva Whited and his wife, Antoinette.

On June 4, 2018, at 8:30 a.m., Jax was at an open gym playing basketball when he suddenly collapsed on the court. The coaching staff immediately responded to Jax and quickly obtained an Automated External Defibrillator (A.E.D.) and were able to properly use the device. Paramedics were called and Jax was transported to Porter Hospital, where he was stabilized and later flown by air ambulance to the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago. The family is grateful to share that Jax has made a full recovery. Doctors told the family if not for the availability and proper use of the A.E.D. the outcome would most likely have been tragic.

Sgt. Whited and his family would like to thank the coaches, teachers, first responders and doctors that treated Jax. Sgt. Whited would also like to encourage everyone to become familiar with how an A.E.D. works as one never knows when and where the opportunity to save a life may occur, be it the life of life of a stranger or family member.

The Indiana State Police partners with Bolt for the Heart (B.F.T.H.), an organization that has pledged to put an A.E.D. in all Indiana State Police patrol vehicles. Presently Bolt for the Heart has donated more than 300 A.E.D.’s to the Indiana State Police and continues to raise funds for more units throughout the remainder of 2018. For more information, and to donate to this cause, click this link: